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(We’re both straight couples.) When we were several in, we were talking about losing our virginities, and his friend’s fiancée made a comment along the lines of “well, you know what they used to do.” I did not know what they used to do! It turns out they masturbated together as teenagers, which included “giving each other a hand.” I was taken aback by this, but they all seemed to think it was hilarious, and my husband was embarrassed, so I shrugged it off. Last year, my husband of two years-together six-and I were out to drinks with his childhood friend and the friend’s fiancée. Send your questions for Stoya and Rich to. How to Do It is Slate’s sex advice column. I Have Determined I Will Not Have Sex With My Husband for Years I Tried to Sleep With My Roommate’s Partner. My Boyfriend Isn’t Like Other Guys in Bed.

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